Friday, June 19, 2009

Healthcare 2

Another problem with healthcare is that is very hard to get for people below the poverty line. If a poor person has a medical need, and is not insured, it so much more money for them to go to the doctor compared to a person that has health insurance. It is about ten times the price for them to get any medicine than it would be if they were insured. I know that when I go to the pharmacy to get a prescription filled, they ask me if I have insurance. Since I have insurance, its about 30 dollars a bottle, but if I was without insurance it would be 200 dollars! This difference in cost seems absurd to me. It seems to me that is almost impossible for poor people to save enough money to ever get the chance to obtain health insurance for this reason. Medicine and doctor costs should be lowered for those people without insurance. Also, with Obama's health care policies, it will lower the cost of insurance. With these two things combined, it will be much easier for poor people to get health insurance, and save them some of the ridiculously inflated costs of being treated before obtaining insurance.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Health care has become so expensive that many people cannot afford it. It is rumored that if some of Barack Obama's health care policies pass, it will drive up costs as health care quality goes down because competent doctors will not earn as much as they had previously. However, Obama does have some good ideas relating to health care.
Obama's health care policies are geared toward making health care cheaper so that it will be more affordable and accesible to people below the poverty line. However, we do not want it so affordable that great doctors go out of business and leave Americans with poor health care.
There are ways to lower the chances of certain health problems. Congress is talking about and attempting to pass bills with that will hopefully lessen some of these preventable health problems. Congress is trying to heighten the taxes on corn syrup, because it is very high in sugar and is found a lot of junk food that Americans eat on a daily basis. A high sugar intake can lead to diabetes and other health problems as well. This bill is trying to discourage Americans from eating these types of foods and to prevent them from drinking soda. Everyone is also being encouraged to exercise more so that they don't become overweight in the future which can cause heart attacks and strokes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This video shows the effects of divorce and is basically what my paper is all about. Many divorces could be prevented if the couple having trouble went to marriage counseling and just stopped running away from their problems and heading straight to divorce. Whether or not the kids want to show it, most of the time they are deeply affected by it in a negative way. "Tough guy" Will Smith did not want to show Uncle Phil how deeply he was hurt by his dad. His dad had not been there for him growing up and he had to learn everything on his own, and Will said he was okay with that. He obviously was not when he burst out crying and Uncle Phil tried to console him.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

divorce effects on children

Divorce is hard on the whole family, but especially the children. Most of the time when there is a divorce in a family, the kids blame themselves. They think that the divorce was their fault, and can't be convinced otherwise. After the official divorce, depending on the child's age, they have to choose which parent they would like to live with. It isn't fair for a kid to only have a mother present and not a father or vice versa. It is very tough on whichever parent loses custody of their own children, especially when they have to set up visitation hours to see them. Children need and deserve a stable home with both parents to care for them.


According to America's divorce rate, our nation does not take wedding vows seriously. Marriage was created to last a lifetime. Divorce is just the easy way out; instead of getting to the root of the problem and fixing it together, you cower away and file for divorce. Most wedding vows end with "from this day forward until death do us part," showing that it is supposed to last until either the husband or wife passes away. Marriage was not created to last a few years, get a divorce, and find a new spouse. The purpose of getting married is to make a promise to each other, to love each other through all the trials and tribulations that life might throw at you.