Tuesday, June 9, 2009

divorce effects on children

Divorce is hard on the whole family, but especially the children. Most of the time when there is a divorce in a family, the kids blame themselves. They think that the divorce was their fault, and can't be convinced otherwise. After the official divorce, depending on the child's age, they have to choose which parent they would like to live with. It isn't fair for a kid to only have a mother present and not a father or vice versa. It is very tough on whichever parent loses custody of their own children, especially when they have to set up visitation hours to see them. Children need and deserve a stable home with both parents to care for them.


  1. As a product of a divorced family, I disagree that children need both parents. There are plenty of children who are raised by single parents who grow up to be happy, well adjusted people. In some cases the parents staying together may actually be more detrimental to the child than a divorce. If the parents are miserable, then the children will probably be miserable as well. Being in a loving home with a single divorced parent is better than being in a house filled with animosity and conflict.
    Children are remarkably resilient. The child is more likely to recover from whatever problems a divorce may cause rather than the trauma of a lifetime spent in a house where everybody does not love each other.

  2. Coming from someone whose parents are divorced as well, I believe it is better to live in a solid loving enviorment. Yes it is hard for children to grow up with one parent and sometimes restrictions from seeing the other parent but its better than a house full of anger and fights. The effects are different in every family, some kids end up taking a better path while others not so much because of the way it effected them at whatever age they were when their parents divorced. I just think that in the end no matter the child should choose where they would like to live.
