Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Health care has become so expensive that many people cannot afford it. It is rumored that if some of Barack Obama's health care policies pass, it will drive up costs as health care quality goes down because competent doctors will not earn as much as they had previously. However, Obama does have some good ideas relating to health care.
Obama's health care policies are geared toward making health care cheaper so that it will be more affordable and accesible to people below the poverty line. However, we do not want it so affordable that great doctors go out of business and leave Americans with poor health care.
There are ways to lower the chances of certain health problems. Congress is talking about and attempting to pass bills with that will hopefully lessen some of these preventable health problems. Congress is trying to heighten the taxes on corn syrup, because it is very high in sugar and is found a lot of junk food that Americans eat on a daily basis. A high sugar intake can lead to diabetes and other health problems as well. This bill is trying to discourage Americans from eating these types of foods and to prevent them from drinking soda. Everyone is also being encouraged to exercise more so that they don't become overweight in the future which can cause heart attacks and strokes.


  1. I do not think anyone in the United States of America would disagree with the idea that health insurance is too expensive. Every man, woman, and child should receive the health care they need and I feel all Americans are entitled to it. It is sad that we as a nation deny so many because they are not fortunate enough to cover the current cost of health insurance. Part of the problem is that health insurance is a big business and this country is based on capitalism. Everyone is too concerned about how much money they can put in their own pocket when we as a nation should be more concerned about helping out the people in need.
    I suggest we move towards socialism and develop a public health care system. We must stop thinking about the individual and start thinking about the whole. We can raise everyone’s taxes to foot the bill. It is not the problem of one but everyone’s problem and I feel we should all contribute, after all this will benefit everyone. The government should lower the cost of health care and they should police the corporations that are currently in control. If the doctors we currently have do not like this they are free to leave the country. A new breed and generation of doctors and brilliant minds are on the rise to take their place. I pray one day to wake up in a new world where we are less concerned about money and more concerned about our people.

  2. I agree with both of you that something must be done. But tell me seriously when you can remember the federal government running anything that actually worked. They've broken medicaid, medicare and they are currently ruining the education system as we once knew it. The tax system is a mess and the majority of both parties are nothing but career politicians who have forgotten who they serve. I worry that this attempted move to socialism all sounds too good to be true. I worry that we will be promised these great benefits to help the poor and the needy and we will wind up making the problem worse. I worry that we will make people even more dependent on the government then they already are and that people will shirk responsibility like a disease. There is a healthcare crisis, but the way to solve it is not through the federal government. This band-aid solution, I fear, will end up destroying the lives of the very people it is meant to save. People need to take charge of their own healthcare, and just like car insurance be able to select what they want and how much they want. Individual choice will help to drive costs down and remove the insurance companies from the dominant status they currently enjoy.
