Friday, June 19, 2009

Healthcare 2

Another problem with healthcare is that is very hard to get for people below the poverty line. If a poor person has a medical need, and is not insured, it so much more money for them to go to the doctor compared to a person that has health insurance. It is about ten times the price for them to get any medicine than it would be if they were insured. I know that when I go to the pharmacy to get a prescription filled, they ask me if I have insurance. Since I have insurance, its about 30 dollars a bottle, but if I was without insurance it would be 200 dollars! This difference in cost seems absurd to me. It seems to me that is almost impossible for poor people to save enough money to ever get the chance to obtain health insurance for this reason. Medicine and doctor costs should be lowered for those people without insurance. Also, with Obama's health care policies, it will lower the cost of insurance. With these two things combined, it will be much easier for poor people to get health insurance, and save them some of the ridiculously inflated costs of being treated before obtaining insurance.

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